Well Beyond Percentages

Recently, someone brought to my attention that California's overall rate of recycling redeemable materials, including glass, plastic and aluminum cans had fallen to 58% from 70% a decage ago.  This person also went on to say that people were not having any sort of "enlightenment" indicated by these statistics.  Upon first glance, we could all come to the same conclusion, but that would be rather short-sighted.

For many people, life goes beyond what can be touched.  Although scientific quantification was born out of the human need to classify and define the physical environment, the wellness of our world and its population should not be evaluated on numerical trends alone. Statistical data is not enough to explain the ever-changing behavior of ALL human beings and our planet.  New understandings in quantum mechanics have evolved the role of science to a more multidimensional perspective linking the physical world to non-physical states of being. This knowledge will eventually permeate the daily rituals, practices and beliefs of global societies.

As you've likely observed, the contrast between our destruction and renewal is growing. The quickened pace of our lives has contributed to both a lack of environmental respect and a general deterioration of good old-fashioned values.  However, within this diversity, there has been born a growing desire by many, to improve the quality of new technology and to create a safe integration of these new innovations into our environment. This includes the recycling of resources, the processes of farming, as well as, the major shift in traditional medical practices and the evolution of spirituality.

The pressing need for environmental and behavioral quality control is at the forefront of many minds. Granted, not all human beings are concerned with nor care about leaving a clean, healthy world for future generations, but the evolution of human life in its contrasting perfection is not in vain.

Written by Cari K
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